@John Windberg The only way I could get it to work was to install a mpu6050 accelerometer. They are cheap on amazon. I used double sided tape and wired it in with some female jumper wires. I...
@John Windberg The only way I could get it to work was to install a mpu6050 accelerometer. They are cheap on amazon. I used double sided tape and wired it in with some female jumper wires. I...
@Kyle Sherman It is just called weather station, it's on the google play store. Android 11 runs pretty good on the raspad.
Using as a weather station while on the charging dock.
Thanks, I am hoping to see what mods others are doing to their raspad. I will be posting a 3D printed charging dock for the raspad soon.
Android 11 from konstakang runs great, I installed the mpu 6050 and enabled it in the settings and the screen rotations are nice and crisp. The play store takes a bit to set up but it's not hard. I...